Religious Education Hub

Cross-curriculum Priorities

The Australian Curriculum cross-curriculum priorities are:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
  • Asia, and Australia’s engagement with Asia
  • sustainability

These priorities are incorporated into the Religious Education curriculum, Good News for Living, in the same way as the other learning areas. An additional—that is, fourth—cross-curriculum priority, catholicity (i.e., being centred on Christ and open to all), is included in the Religious Education curriculum and across all learning areas within Tasmanian Catholic schools.

The cross-curriculum priorities give students the tools and language to engage with and better understand their world, from national, regional and global perspectives. In Good News for Living, as in the Australian Curriculum, icons (pictographs) indicate where cross-curriculum priorities can be developed or applied in learning area content descriptions and elaborations. Their presence will vary depending on their relevance to the learning area.

For further information on the cross-curriculum priorities, visit the Australian Curriculum website: